The Cabinet considered the report of the Strategic Director - People which set out background information relating to the development of the Southport Cultural Centre in the context of economic development and the funding strategy employed to realise the proposal.
The report also outlined the various options that had been considered in terms of operating the Centre including the option of it being managed by a community team with volunteers.
This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.
(1) approval be given to the opening of the Southport Cultural Centre with a limited but appropriate programme, with an additional budget uplift to the Arts Budget of £398,150 in 2012/13 and £722,200 in subsequent financial years;
(2) the Heritage Lottery Fund Grant of £973,200 be accepted in accordance with the conditions of the grant;
(3) the additional budget requirements be built into the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan;
(4) a report detailing the full operational costs of the Centre be submitted to a future meeting of the Cabinet for consideration and approval; and
(5) the determination of the name for the Centre be referred for public consultation and consideration by the Southport Area Committee with a view to the Committee making a recommendation to the Cabinet for determination.