Issue - decisions

Treasury Management 2011/12 - First Quarter Update

19/12/2011 - Treasury Management 2011/12 - Half year Update

The Committee considered the report of the Head of Corporate Finance and ICT reviewing the Treasury Management activities undertaken in the first half of 2011/12 against the Treasury Management Policy and Strategy document 2011/12.  The report also provided details of an amendment of the credit ratings approved by Council on 24 November 2011.




That the report be noted.

05/10/2011 - Treasury Management 2011/12 - First Quarter Update

The Committee considered the report of the Head of Corporate Finance and ICT which provided details of the Treasury Management activities undertaken in the first quarter of 2011/12 and the amendments to the Prudential Indicators for 2011/12 which had been approved by the Cabinet on 11 August 2011.




That the report be noted