It was moved by Councillor Parry, seconded by Councillor Papworth.
“The Council warmly welcomes the news that the Port of Liverpool is likely to be expanded, bringing thousands of jobs to Merseyside in general and Sefton in particular, and resolves to work constructively with Peel Holdings plc and other relevant parties to resolve the relevant concerns regarding the environment.”
An amendment was moved by Councillor Sir Ron Watson, seconded by Councillor Pearson that the Motion be amended by the addition of the following text at the end of the Motion:
“Sefton recognises that there may well be some important planning issues to be dealt with in due course and agrees that they will need to be dealt with in a positive manner and will ensure that the consideration of any such planning application will be resourced as a matter of priority.”
“The Council also recognises that it is possible that there might be some elements of disruption to Local residents and asks Peel Holdings to ensure that where they are responsible for providing compensation they will progress this as a matter of priority.”
Following debate thereon, on a show of hands, the Mayor declared that the amendment was lost by 62 votes to 4.
On a show of hands, the Mayor declared that the Original Motion was carried unanimously and it was
“The Council warmly welcomes the news that the Port of Liverpool is likely to be expanded, bringing thousands of jobs to Merseyside in general and Sefton in particular, and resolves to work constructively with Peel Holdings plc and other relevant parties to resolve the relevant concerns regarding the environment.”