Issue - decisions

Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council (Thornton to Switch Island Link Road) A5758 Broom's Cross Road (Side Roads) Order 2012

27/06/2012 - Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council (Thornton to Switch Island Link Road) A5758 Broom's Cross Road (Side Roads) Order 2012

Further to Minute No. 242 of the meeting held on 3 March 2011, the Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Built Environment seeking approval to make, advertise and submit for confirmation a Side Roads Order for the proposed Thornton to Switch Island Link.


This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.




(1)       a Side Roads Order be made under Sections 14 and 125 and Schedule 1 of the Highways Act 1980 to be known as the Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council (Thornton to Switch Island Link Road) A5758 Broom’s Cross Road (Side Roads) Order 2012 for highway improvements and modifications (described in Annex A of the report) needed for the construction of the proposed new highway, the Thornton to Switch Island Link; and


(2)       the Director of Built Environment in consultation with the Head of Investment Programmes and Infrastructure, the Head of Planning Services and Head of Corporate Legal Services be authorised to take all necessary steps to secure the making, submission for confirmation and implementation of the Side Roads Order including (but not limited to) drafting and publishing the Statement of Reasons, the publication, advertisement, notification and service of all notices, the investigation of and response to objections, and the presentation of the Council’s case at any Public Inquiry.

03/04/2012 - Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council (Thornton to Switch Island Link Road) A5758 Broom's Cross Road (Side Roads) Order 2012

The report of the Director of Built Environment on this issue was withdrawn from consideration at the meeting, to facilitate the clarification of the ownership of parcels of land with third parties and the submission of a revised report to the Cabinet meeting to be held on 21 June 2012.