Issue - decisions

Agreement of Updated Terms of Reference and Membership

27/07/2012 - Agreement of Updated Terms of Reference and Membership

Further to Minute No. 14 of 14 June 2012, the Partnership considered the report of the Head of Commissioning and Neighbourhood Co-ordination that sought approval of the new Terms of Reference (ToR) and membership of the Partnership for implementation from its next meeting.


The report indicated that the ToR and proposed membership, as detailed in the annex to the report, had been revised in line with comments raised by Partners; and detailed that the six statutory partners who must serve on the Partnership were:


·                 Sefton Council

·                 Merseyside Police

·                 Merseyside Police Authority (wef November 2012)

·                 Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (from November 2012)

·                 NHS Sefton Public Health representatives

·                 Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service

·                 Merseyside Probation Service;


and that representatives of the following other relevant bodies would be co-opted onto the Partnership:


·                 Voluntary Community Faith Sector (via Sefton CVS)

·                 Registered Social Landlords

·                 Courts Service

·                 Prison Service

·                 Local Safeguarding Children Executive Board

·                 Safeguarding Adults Board

·                 Strategic lead on Domestic Violence

·                 Strategic lead for Hate Crime

·                 Others where appropriate




That the Terms of Reference and revised membership of the Partnership, as detailed in the annex to the report, be approved.