Further to Minute No. 72 of the meeting held on 8 November 2012, the Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Transformation Services and Head of Finance and ICT which set out a further package of budget savings proposals, as the next stage in achieving a balanced budget for 2013/14 and 2014/15. The report indicated that many of the additional savings options were presented to seek approval for appropriate consultation to be undertaken at this stage.
The report contained the following annexes:
Annex A - Work Programme Timetable
Annex B - Review of Street Lighting
Annex C - Option to be redefined
Annex D - Further information on options previously considered
Annex E - External Funding – Funding ceasing or reducing
Annex F – Ways of Working – Options on which various approvals are sought
Annex G – Subsidies and Charges – Options on which various approvals are sought
Annex H – Standards of Service – Options on which various approvals are sought
Annex I – Vulnerable People – Options on which various approvals are sought
The Chief Executive referred to the current budget savings of £43.7m which had to be achieved for the period 2013/14 to 2014/15 and indicated that the Government was due to announce the Local Government Settlement for 2013/14 in the next few days and the confirmation of the external revenue support from the Government would provide greater clarity of the Council’s saving requirement for 2013/14.
Members of the Cabinet raised questions on the following issues referred to in the report and Officers responded to the issues as referred to below:
Page/Paragraph in the Report |
Question/Response |
Page 297 (Councillor Tweed)
Day Care - There is a further option D1.39 on day care opportunities which is detailed on pages 297 – 298. How do you intend to take this option forward?”
Response: There is currently a £1.79m Option approved by Cabinet on 13 September 2012 which includes transport element. This is a further option of £1.4m. The total spend on Day Care provision in the Borough iscurrently £5.1m, supporting a range of Day Care facilites.
At present the bulk of Day Centres are provided from Sefton New Directions (13 in total).
There are also specialist providers of Day Centres and other provision of which there are 18 in total. Within the nature of Day Care provision there are also inter-dependencies with the Specialist Transport Unit. Some of the saving identified relates to anticipated savings on transportation costs.
Given the very challenging budget position we need to look at mobilizing and maximizing Universal and Targeted Services, Council, partners and the VCF Sector.
It is very clear that there will continue to be particular specialist needs for the most vulnerable and complex cases and this is expected to form part of a recommissioning process, e.g. acquired brain injury, mental health issues, severe dementia. |
Page 205 (Councillor Maher) |
Terms and Conditions – The current working assumptions include £6m in relation to terms and conditions. Cabinet recognises that employees have made a significant contribution to the budget over the last few years. Can I ask that Officers continue the consultation with Trade Unions and employees to see if an agreement can be reached.
Response: The Director of Corporate Support Services indicated that regular meetings were being held with the Trade Unions to discuss the terms and conditions for Council employees |
Page/Paragraph in the Report |
Question/Response |
Option D1.22 – Page 261 (Councillor Cummins) |
Annex F – Crosby Civic Hall. Can you explain the linkage referred to between this option and the Library Review?
Response: The Strategic Director (Place) reported that there is a dependency on the Library Review, as there may be a linkage with the possible use of the Crosby Civic Hall. Further details would be reported back to the Cabinet and local Members would be kept informed of any possible developments and the interim arrangements. |
Option D1.30 Page 277 (Councillor Cummins) |
Annex G – Pest Control. What will the impacts of introducing a charge for pest control be and will any concessions to a charge be given?
Response: The Director of Built Environment indicated that the proposed charge was £20 per treatment and that the service would continue to be free of charge for people on means-tested benefits. The impact of such a change, if approved, will be monitored. |
Option 1.42 Page 303 (Councillor Moncur) |
Re-enablement. My question relates to option E1.42 on re-enablement set out in more detail on pages 302 – 303. This seems to me, on paper, an excellent invest to save proposal. Can you describe what this will mean in practice – in particular how the proposal will maintain the independence of adults.
Response: National research (Longitudinal Study Final Report Summary November 2010) from the Care Services Efficiency Delivery Programme has shown that a targeted re-ablement model of care found that 58% of people who took part in re-ablement do not continue with ongoing domiciliary care or have had a reduced package of care.
For example, this will mean that somebody who comes out of hospital with a targeted care plan can be supported to relearn and regain the confidence and skills of daily living in their own home and then will be assessed at the end of that period if they require any ongoing care needs. The model is based on facilitating people to manage day to day tasks and through targeted intervention to work with the individual to help them reach their full potential.
Page/Paragraph in the Report |
Question/Response |
In order to take this forward we will work with colleagues in the NHS who are funding this service development and resource will be utilized to pump prime the development of re-ablement services through a programme of commissioning and we will work with a range of providers to set up pilots which will run for the next year. |
Option F1.5 Page 238 (Councillor P. Dowd) |
Annex D – Allotments Fees and Charges. Have we received any further correspondence other than that included in the background documents for Option F1.5 in Annex D and are there any legal implications?
Response: The Director of Street Scene indicated that no further correspondence had been received and that the legal advice received as set out in the report indicate that the proposed action to be taken is considered to be reasonable. |
The Chair referred to the need to undertake consultations to ascertain the views of the public on whether a rise in the level of Council Tax for 2013/14 would be acceptable. He also referred to the proposals relating to Option 1.26 in Annex F (Mayoral Services – Reduce Function of Mayor) and indicated that the Council would still continue to take the lead in the organisation of Remembrance Day events and other civic events.
This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.
Decisions Made:
(1) it be noted that figures set out in the annexes to the report are working assumptions of options to be considered and the figures should not be seen as predetermining any decisions. Many of these options remain subject to consultation and engagement, and any figures indicated were being used to facilitate outline budgetary forecasting only;
(2) the work programme timetable contained in Annex A of the report be noted;
Annex B – Review of Street Lighting
(3) the Council at its meeting on 24 January 2013, be recommended to approve the proposals relating to the Review of Street Lighting, set out in Annex B of the report and authorise Officers to prepare for implementation immediately, pending final decisions;
Terms and Conditions
(4) approval be given to the continuation of consultations with Trade Unions and employees, as required, given the need for budget savings, with a view to the implementation of potential changes in terms and conditions. These potential changes would focus on but not be limited to the changes described in paragraph 4.2 of the report;
(5) that should it be appropriate, the Chief Executive be authorised to dismiss and re-engage those employees of the Local Authority, not including schools, who are employed on Local Authority terms and conditions in order to enable a change to those terms and conditions and achieve necessary savings;
(6) it be noted that any action taken in respect of the delegation, set out in resolution (5) above, would be reported back to Cabinet during the required notice period and before the termination and re-engagement was actioned;
Options still subject to consultation
(7) it be noted that the options identified in paragraph 4.7 of the report were still subject to consultation and further reports would be presented before any final decision is considered;
Annex C - Community Meals Option to be redefined
(8) approval be given to the introduction of a more cost effective, streamlined model for Community Meals (revised Option F1.6), as set out in Annex C of the report which will enable Sefton residents to access a range of meal options;
(9) Officers be authorised to commence a consultation and engagement process with partners, employees and Trade Unions;
(10) Officers prepare for implementation at the earliest opportunity including the issuing of required notices;
(11) Officers be authorised to commence the conversation with current service users as to how the service would change including support for the transition period between the subsidised to the non-subsidised model;
Annex D - Further information on options previously considered
(12) following consideration of the additional information provided in Annex D of the report, approval be given to the outcomes of the review of the commissioning of all residential care beds for Option E2.1;
(13) it be noted that Officers would continue with consultation and engagement processes with employees and Trade Unions on Option E2.1 in Annex D of the report;
(14) approval be given to the creation of 3 additional Social Worker posts from within the existing budget;
(15) the Council is recommended at its meeting to approve a budget reduction of £1million over a two year period for Option E2.1 in Annex D of the report;
(16) following consideration of the additional information provided in Annex D of the report, including the background documents, approval be given to the completion of actions required to achieve change in respect of Option F1.5 (subsidies to Allotment Users’ fees and charges) including the issue of relevant statutory and contractual notifications;
(17) the Council be recommended to approve a reduction of the subsidy by £40k for Option F1.5 in Annex D of the report;
Annex E - External Funding
(18) the Chief Executive and appropriate Officers be authorised to take the necessary steps to adjust staffing levels in light of the circumstances set out in paragraph 5 of the report;
(19) the Strategic Director (Place) in conjunction with the Head of Corporate Legal Services be authorised to negotiate and conclude a commercial settlement with the main contractor for the Southport Cultural Centre (the Atkinson) if it can be shown to be in the Council’s best interests, subject to final consultation with the Cabinet Member (Children, Schools, Families and Leisure). The details of any such settlement to be reported back to a further meeting of Cabinet;
Annex F – Ways of Working
(20) the Council be recommended to give approval to the following action being taken on the following Options set out in Annex F of the report:
Service Area
Ref |
Option |
Recommended Action |
Early Intervention & Prevention |
D1.1 |
Integrated Youth Support & Targeted Youth Support – Budget re-alignment following the cessation of a contract with one provider. Plus the deletion of a vacant post. |
The total budget re-alignment of £92k |
D1.2 |
Offset Substance Misuse work from Drug Action Team Public Health budget |
The budget re-alignment of £124k to Public Health |
Learning & Support |
D1.3 |
Budget re-alignment – supplies and services – Complementary Education |
Budget reduction of £9k |
D1.4 |
Welfare Officers – Pupil Attendance (Employment, Attendance and Enforcement) Teaching element to DSG |
Budget reduction of £25k |
D1.5 |
School Admission, Appeals and Student Support – Reduction in administration costs |
Budget reduction of £19k |
D1.6 |
Connexions – make use of Council accommodation |
Budget reduction of £60k |
Children’s Social Care |
D1.7 |
Social Care Commissioned Services – travel, supplies and services. To re-commission Council Children’s Social Care travel (vehicle hire, leasing and taxis) |
Budget reduction of £100k |
Economy |
D1.8 |
Relocate Economic Development staff from the Investment Centre, to Magdalen House |
Budget reduction of £48k |
Economy |
D1.9 |
Budget re-alignment of salaries to be funded from grants, contracts and reserves |
Budget reduction of £116k |
Democracy |
D1.10 |
Budget re-alignment – Members Allowances as agreed by July 2012 Council |
The budget re-alignment be noted |
Corporate Support Services |
D1.11 |
Risk Management (insurance) |
Budget reduction of £50k |
D1.12 |
Procurement, ICT and Financial Support |
Budget reduction of £50k |
Service Area |
Ref |
Option |
Recommended Action |
Council |
D1.13 |
Public Health Integration Efficiencies |
The approval of business efficiencies to the value of £1.137m from within Council resources |
(21) approval be given to the following action being taken on the following options set out in Annex F of the report where internal consultation is required:
Service Area |
Ref |
Option |
Action |
Vulnerable People |
D1.14 |
Assessment Teams – Reconfiguring of teams and skill mix. Care Management teams consist of social work and occupational therapy assessment, review and organise care and support for vulnerable adults |
· Officers be recommended to continue with consultation and engagement processes with employees and Trade Unions · the intention to move away from a specialism model of delivery to a multi-disciplinary model be noted · it be noted that changes to working practices would seek to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the service |
Service Area |
Ref |
Option |
Action |
Vulnerable People |
D1.15 |
Reconfiguration of the Supporting People Commissioning Team |
Officers be mandated to commence consultation and engagement processes with employees and Trade Unions |
Early Intervention and Prevention |
D1.16 |
Healthy Schools – transfer the function of co-ordination and consultant role to schools |
Officers be mandated to commence consultation and engagement processes with partners, employees and Trade Unions |
Children’s Social Care |
D1.17 |
Social Care – Central Management and Support Costs – A restructure and a re-alignment of duties to remaining posts |
Officers be mandated to commence consultation and engagement processes with employees and Trade Unions |
Learning & Support |
D1.18 |
Reduce the School Targeted Intervention team |
Officers be mandated to commence consultation and engagement processes with employees and Trade Unions |
Street Scene |
D1.19 |
Building Cleaning – change of frequency in office cleaning |
Officers be mandated to commence consultation and engagement processes with employees and Trade Unions |
Service Area |
Ref |
Option |
Action |
Environment |
D1.20 |
Trading Standards – staffing restructure |
Officers be mandated to commence consultation and engagement processes with employees and Trade Unions |
Communications |
D1.21 |
Communications – staffing restructure |
Officers be mandated to continue with consultation and engagement processes with employees and Trade Unions |
(22) approval be given to the following actions being taken on the following options set out in Annex F of the report, where external consultation is required:
Service Area |
Ref |
Option |
Action |
Health and Wellbeing |
D1.22 |
Pilot external management arrangements for Crosby Civic Hall with the option of closure if unsuccessful |
· The proposed approach be approved · Officers to work in conjunction with the appropriate Cabinet Member to evaluate the pilot · Should the pilot prove successful, Officers be authorised to enter into an appropriate longer term arrangement
Service Area |
Ref |
Option |
Action |
· Should the pilot prove unsuccessful Officers be authorised to take the necessary steps to close Crosby Civic Hall · The Council at its meeting on 24 January 2013 be recommended to approve a budget reduction of £46k |
Early Intervention and Prevention
D1.23 |
Aiming High – Review of Integrated Short Breaks |
Officers be mandated to commence consultation and engagement processes with employees and Trade Unions |
Street Scene |
D1.24 |
Cleansing – cease provision of free plastic sacks excluding those premises which are currently identified as ‘difficult to access’ |
Officers be mandated to continue with consultation and engagement processes (inform) with the community |
D1.25 |
Cease subscription arrangement to Mersey Forest Voluntary - reduction of working hours |
Officers be mandated to commence consultation and engagement processes with partners, employees and Trade Unions |
Service Area |
Ref |
Option |
Action |
Corporate Commissioning |
D1.26 |
Governance & Civic Services – Mayoral services – reduce the function of Mayor to the statutory minimum (that is to Chair the Council meeting) |
The option be deferred |
D1.27 |
Corporate Commissioning and Neighbourhood Co-ordination (CCNC) Service – rationalize service |
Officers be mandated to commence consultation and engagement processes with partners, employees and Trade Unions |
D1.28 |
Voluntary, Community, Faith – reduction in resources |
Officers be mandated to commence consultation and engagement processes with the community and partners |
D1.29 |
Double Rating |
Officers be mandated to commence consultation and engagement processes with the community and partners |
(23) approval be given to the following action being taken on the following options set out in Annex G of the report:
Annex G – Subsidies and Charges
Service Area |
Ref |
Option |
Action |
Built Environment |
D1.30 |
Pest Control |
· The ongoing community consultation be noted · The Council be recommended to approve the introduction of a service charge of £20 per treatment |
Built Environment |
D1.31 |
Car Parking – Car Parking – On and Off street parking charge increases and the introduction of new on street parking charges |
The option be deferred and Officers requested to undertake a targeted consultation with local businesses and interested parties on car parking across the Borough and report back the consultation responses to a future Cabinet meeting |
Annex H – Standards of Service
(24) approval be given to the following action being taken on the following options set out in Annex H of the report:
Service Area |
Ref |
Option |
Action |
Street Scene |
D1.32 |
Closure of all public conveniences across the Borough |
Officers be mandated to commence consultation with the community and partners as appropriate to effect this change |
Service Area |
Ref |
Option |
Action |
D1.33 |
Cleansing – reorganisation of the workload and work patterns of the Rapid response teams |
· Officers be mandated to commence consultation with the employees and Trade Unions as appropriate to effect this change · The reduced standards of service that would occur should this budget reduction be agreed, be noted |
Built Environment |
D1.34 |
Further deferment of the re-instatement of highway management funding |
Approve the further deferment of £800k |
Annex I – Vulnerable People
(25) approval be given to the following action being taken on the following options set out in Annex I of the report:
Service Area |
Ref |
Option |
Action |
Health and Wellbeing |
D1.35 |
Section 117 After Care funding – the Council will pursue, with our Health colleagues, the identification of service users who receive Section 117 funding and request reviews to see if they still require this provision |
· The approach be approved · It be noted that consultation would take place as part of ongoing care package reviews which would be conducted by Health colleagues · The content of the impact assessment be noted · It be noted that reviews would be undertaken of all people in receipt of Section 117 funding to ensure that needs still fall within the Council’s eligibility criteria |
Service Area |
Ref |
Option |
Action |
D1.36 |
NHS continuing healthcare – prioritise and undertake reviews of service users currently in nursing care to ensure that they are supported appropriately |
· The approach be approved · It be noted that consultation would take place as part of ongoing care package reviews which would be conducted by Health colleagues |
Health and Wellbeing |
D1.37 |
Use of Assistive Technology equipment that enables service users (vulnerable people) to remain in their own homes with minimal outside support for e.g. Lifeline pendants that are connected to the Careline service |
· The approach be approved · It be noted that consultation would take place as part of ongoing care package reviews |
D1.38 |
Increase charges for a range of services, these are an increase of charges to: · 100% of disposable income (currently 80%) – Currently Service users will contribute 80% of their disposable income toward their care or service costs and this option will mean a change in Council policy so that 100% of disposable income is considered in the financial assessment process · Reduce disability related expenditure (DRE) which presently stands at £16.00 per user per week to £11.00 per week. This option will mean a change in Council policy · Couples – disregard income buffer when assessing care needs. This option will mean a change in Council policy |
· The changes in policy be approved · It be noted that consultation about this approach would take place as part of ongoing care package assessments and reviews · It be noted that the Council would continue to meet assessed need · The achievement of a budget saving of £75k relating to the previously approved option E2.8 (Area Finance) be deferred |
Service Area |
Ref |
Option |
Action |
Health and Wellbeing |
D1.39 |
Further remodel current day care and associated transport |
· The commencement of consultation and engagement process with partners and service users be approved |
· It be noted that consultation about this approach would in part take place as part of ongoing care package assessments and reviews · It be noted that the Council would continue to meet assessed need |
D1.40 |
Recover surplus, unspent Direct Payment funds at regular and earlier intervals and cease the first year one off workplace insurance payment of £150 |
· The Council be recommended to approve the process for recovery and the option to cease the first year one off workplace insurance payment of £150 · It be noted that consultation about this approach would take place as part of the assessment and review process · It be noted that the Council would continue to meet assessed need |
Service Area |
Ref |
Option |
Action |
Health and Wellbeing |
D1.41 |
Respite – reduction from a range up to a maximum of 2 weeks to be authorized by a social worker and anything above that time period to be agreed by a Panel |
· The Council at its meeting on 24 January 2013 be recommended to approve the change in policy and a budget reduction of £1.9 million · It be noted that consultation about this approach would take place as part of ongoing care package assessments and reviews · It be noted that the Council would continue to meet assessed need |
Health and Wellbeing |
D1.42 |
Revise Re-ablement model – To obtain new funding available from Health of £900,000, one year only, to enable more users to go through a re-enablement process, thereby reducing levels of admission to short and long term care |
· The Council at its meeting on 24 January 2013 be recommended to approve the change in approach and a budget reduction of £1.2m · It be noted that consultation about this approach would take place as part of ongoing care package assessments and reviews · It be noted that the Council would continue to meet assessed need |
Service Area |
Ref |
Option |
Action |
D1.43 |
Housing Related Support incremental reductions in housing related funding have reduced the requirement for commissioning/ contractual functions |
· The Council at its meeting on 24 January 2013 be recommended to approve a change in policy and budget reduction of £500k · It be noted that consultation about this approach would take place as part of ongoing care package assessments and reviews · It be noted that the Council would continue to meet assessed need |
(26) the risks and mitigating actions outlined in Annexes B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I of the report be noted.
(27) the Public Engagement and Consultation Panel be requested to determine the arrangements for a public consultation exercise to be undertaken to seek views on whether there should be a rise in the level of Council Tax for 2013/14.
Reasons for Decisions:
The recommendations in this report, if approved, are another step in agreeing the 2013/14 budget and a two year budget plan. At this stage there are broadly sufficient options to meet the forecast budget gap assuming the Cabinet approves the report’s recommendations. However, additional budget savings and options would need to be identified should the savings gap increase and/or those options currently identified are not approved or delivered. It is a legal requirement to set a balanced budget and to ensure the medium term financial position is robust.
Early consideration of budget options continues to be essential as this supports informed decision making, including the consideration of the outcome of any consultations undertaken, the impact of any decisions to be made and any steps that can be taken to mitigate the impact of a decision.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Further options would be presented to a future Cabinet meeting.