Issue - decisions

Vehicle Stores and Parts Procurement Tender Results

20/02/2013 - Vehicle Stores and Parts Procurement Tender Results

The Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Street Scene on the outcome of the tender exercise to seek a contractor to operate the vehicle stores at Hawthorne Road Depot and to provide discounted parts to be used in maintaining the Council’s vehicle fleet.


This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.


Decisions Made:


(1)       the results of the OJEU tendering exercise undertaken be noted; and


(2)       the contract be awarded to Uniparts Ltd for a period of 3 years, with an option to extend for a period of 1 year on two occasions.


Reasons for Decision:


To deliver cost savings in relation to the procurement of vehicle parts, oils and lubricants utilised in the maintenance of the Council’s vehicle fleet, and also in the operation of the Council’s stores at Hawthorne Road Depot.


Alternatives Options Considered and Rejected:


The only other option available would be to continue to source vehicle parts using existing suppliers and as such not be able to access the discounted structures available to larger operators.