It was moved by Councillor Dawson, seconded by Councillor Brodie - Browne:
“This Council:
1. notes the recent successful launch of the South Lakeland District Council joint utility-purchasing ('switching') scheme for its residents, which through bulk tariff negotiation, affords residents involved a discount over the average price which they would be able to negotiate themselves individually with utility suppliers.
2. notes and commends the efforts which Sefton MBC officers have made to date, jointly with the officers of certain other Local Authorities in the region, seeking to be able to give Sefton MBC residents similar and wider benefits, including benefits for those who are in most financial hardship.
3. commits Sefton MBC, either individually or working with other Local Authorities, to redouble its efforts to bring cheaper gas and electricity supplies to the widest range of local households in the area.
In respect of its own activities, recognising the critical effect on Sefton MBC's
own budget of rising real energy costs, commits Sefton MBC to embark upon
and maintain an active programme of energy conservation within its own
The Mayor indicated that the Motion in its current format, was one to which Rule 84 of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules (Motions on Expenditure) applied and if carried, it would need to be referred to the Cabinet for final consideration of the financial implications in advance of any budgetary commmitment and prior to any action being taken to implement the decision. If the Motion was amended and there were no financial implications arising from the Substantive Motion, it would not need to be referred to the Cabinet.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Hardy seconded by Councillor Maher that the motion be amended as follows:
Delete the text in paragraph 3 and replace with:
3. Welcomes the HECA strategy approved by Cabinet on 31 January 2013 which continues Sefton’s journey for energy efficiency. In particular the Council commends the approach within the HECA plan to tackle:
· Fuel Poverty with the ambitious plan to remove an additional 5% of households from fuel poverty
· The excessive costs of energy consumption for individual households by implementing a collective switching programme working in partnership with the wider City Region to ensure maximum opportunities for reduced energy costs for Sefton residents
· Energy efficiency by actively seeking, working in partnership and pursuing investment opportunities for Sefton including Green Deal and Eco programmes. “
Delete the final paragraph and replace with:
“In addition the Council continues to implement and pursue energy conservation within its own activities to ensure effective financial management of energy costs and a reduction in the Council’s own carbon footprint.”
Councillor Dawson indicated that he accepted the amendment.
On a show of hands, the Mayor declared that the Amended Motion was carried unanimously it was
This Council:
1. notes the recent successful launch of the South Lakeland District Council joint utility-purchasing ('switching') scheme for its residents, which through bulk tariff negotiation, affords residents involved a discount over the average price which they would be able to negotiate themselves individually with utility suppliers.
2. notes and commends the efforts which Sefton MBC officers have made to date, jointly with the officers of certain other Local Authorities in the region, seeking to be able to give Sefton MBC residents similar and wider benefits, including benefits for those who are in most financial hardship.
3 Welcomes the HECA strategy approved by Cabinet on 31January 2013 which continues Sefton’s journey for energy efficiency. In particular the Council commends the approach within the HECA plan to tackle:
· Fuel Poverty with the ambitious plan to remove an additional 5% of households from fuel poverty
· The excessive costs of energy consumption for individual households by implementing a collective switching programme working in partnership with the wider City Region to ensure maximum opportunities for reduced energy costs for Sefton residents
· Energy efficiency by actively seeking, working in partnership and pursuing investment opportunities for Sefton including Green Deal and Eco programmes.
In addition the Council continues to implement and pursue energy conservation within its own activities to ensure effective financial management of energy costs and a reduction in the Council’s own carbon footprint.