Further to Minute No’s 142 and 147 of the Cabinet meeting held on 25 April 2013, the Council considered the report of the Head of Corporate Finance and ICT which provided an update on the capital allocations allocated to Sefton for 2013/14 by the Government and proposals for the development of a Capital Investment Plan for 2013/14 and details of the outturn figure for the Southport Cultural Centre Project.
This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.
It was moved by Councillor P. Dowd, seconded by Councillor Maher and
(1) the Children’s Services capital allocations for 2013/14 for Devolved Formula Capital, Basic Needs, and Capital Maintenance as referred to in paragraph 2.2 of the report be noted;
(2) the Disabled Facilities Grant allocation for 2013/14 as referred to in paragraph 2.2 of the report be noted;
(3) the detailed profile of the Capital Priorities Fund of £1m as referred to in paragraph 3 of the report be noted;
(4) the items recommended by the Strategic Capital Investment Group (SCIG) for inclusion within the Capital investment Plan be approved, including those items classed as pre-allocated, those funded from Direct Revenue Funding, and those recommended to the SCIG to be funded from the Single Capital Pot, as referred to in paragraph 4 of the report; and
(5) approval be given to the inclusion in the Capital Programme of the additional spend on the Southport Cultural Centre Project, as set out in paragraph 5 of the report.