Issue - decisions

Financial Outturn Position of the Council and Transfers to Reserves/General Balances

17/09/2013 - Financial Outturn Position of the Council and Transfers to Reserves / General Balances

The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Finance and ICT which provided details of the revenue outturn position on the 2012/2013 General Fund.


Decision Made:



That approval be given to the transfer of £3.0m of the 2012/2013 General Fund revenue underspend to increase certain earmarked reserves as set out in paragraph 4.3 of the report, and to increase the level of General Balances by £2.865m.


Reasons for Decision:



To ensure the Cabinet are informed of the revenue outturn position for 2012/2013 and to seek approval to reserve part of the identified underspend; and transfer the remainder to General Balances.


Alternative Options Consideredc and Rejected:

