Further to Minute No. 101 of the meeting held on 31 January 2013, the Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Built Environment on the proposed Southport Business Improvement District (BID) Manifesto and the action to be taken by the Council on the BID proposals.
The Chair reported that the Southport Area Committee at its meeting held on 4 November 2013 (Minute No. 43) had received a verbal update on the BID Proposals and resolved that the Cabinet be advised that the Southport Area Committee fully supports the proposals for the Southport Business Improvement District.
Decision Made:
(1) the resolution of the Southport Area Committee be noted;
(2) the proposals for the Southport Business Improvement District (BID) as set out in the Manifesto (Year 1) be approved;
(3) approval be given to voting yes in the proposed ballot to create a BID and the Director of Built Environment be authorised to submit a positive vote on behalf of the Council;
(4) the Chief Executive be given delegated authority, inconsultation with the Leader of the Council and the Section 151 Officer, to sign the BID Baseline Agreement in principle on behalf of the Council;
(5) the Head of Corporate Legal Services be authorised to complete the necessary formal agreements required for the collection of the BID Levy, if a Yes vote is achieved; and
(6) as the relevant ballot holder, the Electoral Reform Services be authorised to hold the BID ballot.
Reasons for Decision:
To allow the BID ballot to commence and then thereafter, subject to a Yes vote, for the BID company to be estabished.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
None of equivalent value