Issue - decisions

Sefton Carers Strategy

29/01/2015 - Refresh of the Carers Strategy for Sefton

Further to Minute No. 50 of the Cabinet meeting held on 15 January 2015, the Council considered the report of the Director of Older People which provided details of the draft Carers Strategy 2014-2019, which provided an overarching framework within which the Council can provide support to Carers to continue to undertake their unpaid caring roles, with a focus on self - reliance, independence and community resilience


It was moved by Councillor P. Dowd, seconded by Councillor Maher and




That the Sefton Carers Strategy for 2014 - 2019 be approved.


20/01/2015 - Refresh of the Carers Strategy for Sefton

The Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Older People which provided details of the draft Carers Strategy 2014-2020, which provided an overarching framework within which the Council could provide support to Carers to continue to undertake their unpaid caring roles with a focus on self-reliance, independence and community resilience


Decision Made:



1.       the content of the report and the feedback from the consultation and engagement process be noted;

2.       the Draft Equality Analysis Report and the actions therein be approved; and

3.       the Council be recommended to approve Council approval of the Carers Strategy for Sefton.


Reasons for Decision:


The Care Act 2014 requires the Council to assess the needs of Carers and provide support and assistance. The Sefton Carers Strategy 2010-13 was approved by Cabinet on 23 June 2010. The revised Strategy provides a refreshed approach to supporting Carers taking into consideration the context within which the Council now finds itself.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:

