The Cabinet considered the report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Older People which provided details of recent announcements about the NHS support for Social Care; the latest developments on the Better Care Fund (BCF), and proposals for the BCF submission to be signed off on behalf of the Council.
Decision Made:
(1) the funding allocation as detailed in paragraphs 1.7 (existing MTFP commitments) and 1.8 (additional investment in support of BCF programme) be approved; and
(2) the Deputy Chief Executive be given delegated authority in consultation with the Head of Finance & ICT (Section 151 Officer), Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Cabinet Member - Older People and Health, to sign off the Better Care Fund submission on behalf of the Council.
Reason for Decision:
The deadline for submission of the Better Care Fund had been set for 19September 2014. There are linkages between the Section 256 agreement and the wider health and social care integration plans for Sefton, which also inform the Better Care Fund Plan.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
No - If the Health and Well-Being Board did not agree with the implementation of the additional integration schemes identified within the report then this would delay the transfer of NHS funding to the authority and would have a significant budgetary impact in 2014/15. There would also be a knock-on impact to the larger Better Care Fund transfer anticipated in 2015/16.