It was moved by Councillor Keith, seconded by Councillor S. McGuire:
“(1) The Council notes that:
· In Sefton 41.5% of the population is over 50 and this number is projected to rise.
· There are 24,800 people over 75 in Sefton.
· Southport has successfully met the foundation criteria for dementia - friendly communities.
· Current national and local planning policies do not require developers of elderly friendly homes to carry out an assessment of how dementia friendly their new developments are.
· The Alzheimer's Society estimates that Dementia costs the UK £23 billion each year.
(2) The Council believes that:
· Developers of homes should consider the issues associated with an ageing population, including how dementia - friendly their developments are at all stages of those developments,.and
· Officers of the Council with specific expertise in the area of older people can provide a useful source of information on dementia.
(3) The Council resolves to:
· Promote increased awareness of the needs of older people amongst those wishing to develop housing in the Borough, including the design and development of a dementia - friendly environment.
· Develop and publish its Housing Strategy For Older People to identify how best to address the housing needs of Sefton’s ageing population; and
· Consider through the emerging Local Plan process, the making of a policy requiring developers to identify how best to address the housing needs of the ageing population.”
An amendment was moved by Councillor Cummins, seconded by Councillor P. Dowd that the Motion be amended by:
(i) deleting the third bullet - point in Section (1) of the Motion and inserting the following text:
· “Sefton Dementia Action Alliance will seek dementia - friendly community status for the whole Borough.”
(ii) the addition of the following bullet – points at the end of Section (1) of the Motion:
· “Consultation on the draft Dementia Strategy for Sefton has ended, and the Strategy will be launched in December along with the Carers Strategy and the Older People’s Strategy.
· The Town and Countryside Planning Association is working with Public Health England to identify ways in which Planning and Public Health can work together and contribute to outcomes in both disciplines.
· Two workshops have been held in Sefton by the Town and Countryside Planning Association with the Council and other partners.
· National Planning Policy Framework (Paragraph 171) states that Planning and Health need to work together to consider health status and needs of local population both now and in the future.
· In Sefton’s case this includes an increase in the older population and a need for environments supportive of those living with dementia.
· Healthy weight, dementia friendly, and other concepts of “place” are best addressed collectively in trying to plan and develop places which are supportive of Sefton’s health needs now and in the future.
· The Sefton Older People’s Housing Strategy also makes reference for the need to develop accommodation appropriate for our demographic now and in the future, and this provides an opportunity for different elements of the Authority to work collaboratively, for example, Housing, Public Health and Planning.”
(iii) the deletion of the second bullet – point in Section (3) of the Motion.
Following debate thereon, on a show of hands, the Mayor declared that the amendment was carried unanimously.
A further amendment was moved by Councillor S. McGuire, seconded by Councillor Brodie – Browne that the Substantive Motion be amended by re-inserting the following text in to Section (1):
· Southport has successfully met the foundation criteria for dementia - friendly communities.
Following further debate, Councillors S. McGuire and Brodie – Browne agreed to withdraw their amendment and on a show of hands, the Mayor declared that the Substantive Motion was carried unanimously and it was
(1) The Council notes that:
· In Sefton 41.5% of the population is over 50 and this number is projected to rise.
· There are 24,800 people over 75 in Sefton.
· Sefton Dementia Action Alliance will seek dementia - friendly community status for the whole Borough.
· Current national and local planning policies do not require developers of elderly friendly homes to carry out an assessment of how dementia friendly their new developments are.
· The Alzheimer's Society estimates that Dementia costs the UK £23 billion each year.
· Consultation on the draft Dementia Strategy for Sefton has ended, and the Strategy will be launched in December along with the Carers Strategy and the Older People’s Strategy.
· The Town and Countryside Planning Association is working with Public Health England to identify ways in which Planning and Public Health can work together and contribute to outcomes in both disciplines.
· Two workshops have been held in Sefton by the Town and Countryside Planning Association with the Council and other partners.
· National Planning Policy Framework (Paragraph 171) states that Planning and Health need to work together to consider health status and needs of local population both now and in the future.
· In Sefton’s case this includes an increase in the older population and a need for environments supportive of those living with dementia.
· Healthy weight, dementia friendly, and other concepts of “place” are best addressed collectively in trying to plan and develop places which are supportive of Sefton’s health needs now and in the future.
· The Sefton Older People’s Housing Strategy also makes reference for the need to develop accommodation appropriate for our demographic now and in the future, and this provides an opportunity for different elements of the Authority to work collaboratively, for example, Housing, Public Health and Planning.
(2) The Council believes that:
· Developers of homes should consider the issues associated with an ageing population, including how dementia - friendly their developments are at all stages of those developments,.and
· Officers of the Council with specific expertise in the area of older people can provide a useful source of information on dementia.
(3) The Council resolves to:
· Promote increased awareness of the needs of older people amongst those wishing to develop housing in the Borough, including the design and development of a dementia - friendly environment; and
· Consider, through the emerging Local Plan process, the making of a policy requiring developers to identify how best to address the housing needs of the ageing population.