Issue - decisions

Motion Submitted by Councillor Dawson

29/01/2015 - Motion Submitted by Councillor Dawson

It was moved by Councillor Dawson, seconded by Councillor Brodie - Browne:


"This Council notes:


(i)         the loyalty, bravery and professionalism with which troops recruited in the North West of England, including the Metropolitan Borough of Sefton, conducted themselves during the invasion and occupation of Iraq. 


(ii)        widespread concern that the decision to embark upon the Iraq invasion was made based upon false premises and untrue propaganda fed to the British people by representatives of the Government of the time.


(iii)        that the Chilcott Inquiry into the events which led the United Kingdom to embark upon the the invasion and occupation of Iraq, is complete and has been shared, months ago, with former Prime Ministers. 


(iv)       that the publication of the Chilcott report has been delayed for many months, without excuse, which is leading to widespread and profound belief by ordinary members of the public that those who supported that war on false premises are covering up these matters.


The Council resolves to write to the Prime Minister, expressing concern at the continuing delays in publication and calling for an immediate publication of the Chilcott report."


An amendment was moved by Councillor P. Dowd, seconded by Councillor Maher that the Motion be amended by the deletion of the text in Paragraphs (ii), (iii) and (iv); and that the final Paragraph be revised to read:


The Council resolves to write to the Prime Minister, expressing concern at the continuing delays in the publication of the Chilcott report and calls for its publication as soon as possible."


Following a brief debate, it was unanimously agreed that the amendment and Substantive Motion be agreed and it was




This Council notes the loyalty, bravery and professionalism with which troops recruited in the North West of England, including the Metropolitan Borough of Sefton, conducted themselves during the invasion and occupation of Iraq. 


The Council resolves to write to the Prime Minister, expressing concern at the continuing delays in the publication of the Chilcott report and calls for its publication as soon as possible.