It was moved by Councillor Hardy, seconded by Councillor Maher and unanimously
1. The Council resolves to write to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs expressing the concern of the Council at both current charges and proposed further water service charges affecting Sefton Council.
2. The Council asks the Secretary of State to note that surface water highway drainage charges applied by United Utilities to local authorities are already charged at the highest rates in England and Wales. Her attention is drawn to United Utilities proposing to phase-in new and further charges for Council premises and open spaces from April 2016 at a time when this Council has sustained prolonged and unprecedented reductions in budget.
3. The Secretary of State is also asked to note the significant difference between what Council’s within the United Utilities region are charged and what level of water service charges are applied to local authorities by all other water and sewerage companies in other regions. The following examples are noted:
· Department for Education Consistent Financial Reporting data shows that in 2012/13, schools in the North West region paid a total of £27 million for water/sewerage, whereas schools in the South East paid £11 million. Both regions roughly have similar numbers of schools and pupils yet an extra £16 million of added charges are applied in our region.
· United Utilities have indicated intent to phase in added charges to the six Greater Merseyside local authorities of £2,430,000 from April 2016. No other district outside the North West will face such extensive additional charging.
4. The Council calls upon the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to commission an independent review of the differing scale of charges facing public sector services for water and sewerage services, similar in scope to the 2009 Walker Review of household charging and they are asked to revise guidance on concessionary schemes that relate to Section 43 of the Flood & Water Management Act 2010 to make clear that community assets managed by local authorities can be included within a concessionary scheme.