Issue - decisions

Supply and Servicing of Library Materials

11/06/2015 - Supply and Servicing of Library Materials

The Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Older People which provided details of the outcome of a procurement exercise for the supply and servicing of library materials to public library authorities in the North West and Yorkshire


Decision Made:


That the new contract arrangements for the purchase of library materials resulting from the tender exercise completed by the North West and Yorkshire library consortium be approved.


Reasons for Decision:


To enable Sefton’s Library service to engage with the new framework agreements and benefit from the commercial terms and conditions for supply of library materials.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


None. By participating in the Consortium framework agreements Sefton Council had avoided the significant costs required in officer time to delivery a similar procurement exercise. An advantageous level of discount and servicing terms was achieved via the aggregated expenditure of 35 authorities.