Issue - decisions

Refreshed Strategy for Dementia for Sefton

10/07/2015 - Refreshed Strategy for Dementia for Sefton

The Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Older People on the draft Dementia Strategy 2014 – 2019 which provided an overarching framework within which the Council and partners can provide positive, proactive approaches to service development and individualised support to ensure that older citizens experiencing dementia can access appropriate, joined-up services that are provided safely and effectively to maximise independence, choice and quality of life.


A Cabinet Member requested that executive summaries of strategy documents be submitted to the Cabinet in future together with the details of any action plans.


Decision Made:



(1)      the content of the report and the feedback from the consultation and engagement process, as described in the report be noted;


(2)      the Draft Equality Analysis Report and the actions therein be approved;


(3)      the Dementia Strategy and associated papers be approved; and


(4)      in future, when any strategy documents are submitted to the Cabinet / Council for approval, the officers be requested to ensure that an executive summary of the strategy and any action plan is submitted with the report and that the full strategy document be included as a backgound document which would be accessible on the Council’s website.


Reasons for Decision:


Sefton’s current strategy for Dementia, written following the publication of “Living Well with Dementia: A National Dementia Strategy” in 2009, ran from 2009 - 2014. There is therefore a need to refresh this in order to reflect changes in national policy and guidelines and the changes in structure to health services in Sefton.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:

