The Cabinet considered the report on the Head of Locality Services – Provision which provided details of an assessment of proposed future arrangements for refuse and recycling collections, and the changes that would be required to implement a recommended option for all collection services post August 2016.
Decision Made:
That approval be given to the implementation of Option 2, (Introduce a fully co-mingled recycling collection service, whilst also continuing to deliver a food collection service, a residual waste collection service and a green “garden waste” collection service), as detailed within paragraph 37 of the report.
Reasons for Decision:
In September 2013 a report was presented to Cabinet outlining proposals to operate the Refuse Collection Service, the Green Composting Service, and to introduce plastic and card recycling collections, for the financial years 2014/15 and 2015/16. By utilising existing resources and funding streams, it was envisaged that all of the proposals contained within that report would be able to be delivered over the coming two years without the requirement for additional revenue support. During this two year period any impact arising from the amendments to the existing Alternating Weekly Collection (wheelie bin) service, and the changes to the garden waste collection service, were to be fully assessed.
In addition, the core period of the current contract for dry recycling was due to end in July 2016. It had been established that the option to extend for a further two years would not be acceptable to the existing Contractor on the current terms and conditions. A number of options have been developed and considered for the future provision of recycling collections. However, it was considered that Option 2 as detailed within the report was the most advantageous both financially and practicably for the Council.
It should also be noted that since January 2015 the Council has had a legal duty to assess whether the separate collection of key materials (paper, metal, plastic and glass) should be provided, especially if consideration is given to a change in collection methods. This is known as a ‘TEEP Assessment Process’ (Technically, Environmentally, Economically and Practicable) which is monitored, and may be challenged by the Environment Agency on behalf of the Department of Food and Rural Affairs.
A TEEP Assessment had been undertaken within Sefton to inform this report and it is felt that there is sufficient, suitable and adequate justification within the assessment to justify the changes to collection methods proposed within this report.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
All options considered suitable are contained within the report.