The Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Social Care and Health which provided details of the proposed approach to the development of the Personal Budgets within Sefton from 2016 – 2018; the Direct Payment Guidelines and key issues in relation to charging and financial assessment.
Decision Made: That
(1) approval be given to the proposed Personal Budget Strategic Plan set out in Annex A to the report, including the future proposed developments for Direct Payment and the review of the charging policy in respect of Personal Budgets;
(2) the consideration of the Personal Budgets Strategic Plan operational delivery updates be delegated to the Cabinet Members for Adult Social Care, and Children, Schools and Safeguarding where appropriate and that they receive further reports when the financial impacts are identified;
(3) approval be given to the consolidation of the Direct Payment rates with current contracted Domiciliary Care rates, backdated to the date of the decision and to the publication and implementation of the Direct Payments Guidelines 2016 set out in Annex B of the report;
(4) the Cabinet Member - Adult Social Care, be given delegated authority in consultation with Cabinet Member – Children, Schools and Safeguarding when necessary, to determine any discretion that might be applied in relation to significant reductions in Direct Payment to individual recipients as a result of resolution (3) above;
(5) approval be given to consultations being held on charging an arrangement fee for self-funders receiving non-residential services; and
(6) approval be given to all new clients who receive a “non-residential” service being charged from the date the service starts, in line with Care Act 2014 Statutory Guidance.
Reasons for Decision:
The Cabinet need to be aware of the legislative changes and the need for the further development and implementation of the Personalisation Strategy Action Plan that aligns to the changes to social care.
It had also been identified that as a result of the Personalisation Strategy there was a need to address the development of interlinked areas of work. These include Personal Budgets, Direct Payments and Charging.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
None - Maintaining the status quo is not an option due to new legislation and demographic and budgetary pressures.