Further to Minute No. 51 of the meeting held on 1 October 2015, the Cabinet considered the report on the Chief Executive which provided details of a number of proposed changes to the Local Plan following its submission for examination to take account of representations where they will help to secure that the Plan is ‘sound’, updated evidence and minor editorial changes which is regarded as good practice.
The Head of Regulation and Compliance referred to a letter of 4 November 2015 circulated to Members of the Cabinet and Officers by Burnett Planning and Development Limited relating to the proposed changes to Policy ED2 in the Local Plan, which were referred to in the report and advised the Cabinet that as the letter was addressed to the Local Plan Inspector, the issues raised in the letter were a matter for him to consider at the Local Plan examination, rather than the Cabinet to deal with.
Decision Made:
The list of proposed post submission changes to the Local Plan as set out in Annex 1 of the report be approved for consideration by the Planning Inspector at the Local Plan examination.
Reasons for Decision:
To have in place a number of proposed changes to the Local Plan prior to the examination hearings which are due to begin in mid-November 2015. This would help show how the Council intends to respond to a number of representations where it accepts the premise of the argument and which would help to make the Plan sound.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
None. It is good practice to suggest post submission changes which the Council supports before the hearings stage of the examination of the Local Plan. This would also help to reduce the length of the hearings.