The Cabinet considered the report of the Chief Executive which provided details of the urgent decisions taken by the Leader under ‘Matters delegated to the Leader’ during the Local Plan examination hearings.
These changes had been made to the submitted Local Plan, as a result of the discussion at the hearings which were held between 17 November 2015 and 15 January 2016. In some cases they replace decisions taken by the Leader and Cabinet on 1 October 2015 and 5 November 2015 (Minutes 51 and 63), and those reported to Cabinet on 3 December 2015 (Minute 78), which cover the changes made prior to the hearings taking place.
Consultation on the Modifications would take place when the Inspector’s interim report and the proposed Modifications to the Local Plan had been approved by the Council later this year.
Decision Made: That
(1) the urgent decisions taken by the Leader of the Council be noted; and
(2) the appreciation of the Cabinet be recorded for the sterling work undertaken by the staff in the Planning Team in the preparation of the draft Local Plan and during the Local Plan examination hearings.
Reasons for Decision:
The Council’s Constitution requires that any urgent decisions taken by the Leader be reported to the Cabinet.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
None. This is required by the Council’s Constitution.