Issue - decisions

Ethical Care Council

09/02/2016 - Ethical Care Council

The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Commissioning Support and Business Intelligence which set out the implications of the Council becoming an Ethical Care Council by adopting the Ethical Care Charter.

Decision Made: That

(1)       officers be authorised to implement Stage One and to convene a group to consider Stage Two and Three of the Ethical Care Charter; and


(2)       officers be requested to report back to the Cabinet within three months on the outcome of the consideration of stages two and three of the Ethical Care Charter.


Reasons for Decision:

To provide the Cabinet with a clear course of action for becoming an Ethical Care Council, whilst ensuring an understanding of the potential implications.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


The Council could decide not to adopt the Ethical Care Charter. This was not recommended within the report as it is recognised that the aims and principles of the Charter are consistent with the aims of the Council.


The Council could also decide to adopt all three stages of the Charter immediately. This is not recommended within the report as there are significant financial and other implications involved and it is not possible at this time to present a full understanding of those.