The Cabinet heard representations from Peter Hennessy who had submitted a petition on behalf of residents in Little Crosby containing 181 signatures which stated:
“Little Crosby Residents Petition to reduce the speed limit to 20mph through our village up to St.Mary’s Primary School and upgrade the speed bumps.
The residents of Little Crosby Village wish to protest against the speed in which vehicles travel through our village. It is only a matter of time before there is a serious accident.
We request the lowering of the speed limit to 20MPH through the village, up to St Mary’s Primary School, as exists in the majority of Crosby’s roads.
The existing speed bumps are worn and ineffective and need to be raised to facilitate this change or another effective deterrent introduced.”
The Cabinet was advised that the Cabinet Member – Locality Services had requested officers to investigate the feasibility of creating a 20mph School Zone, and undertake a review of the existing traffic calming features and the provision of additional speed cushions in the vicinity of the Church and school in Little Crosby and a potential scheme would be developed for further consideration.
Mr Hennessy thanked the Cabinet Member – Locality Services for agreeing to that course of action
Decision Made: That
(1) the petition be noted; and
(2) the action being taken by Highway officers to investigate and prepare a potential scheme to address the issues raised in the petition for consideration by the Cabinet Member – Locality Services be noted.
Reason for Decision:
The action to be taken will address the issues raised in the petition.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: