Issue - decisions

Liverpool City Region Care and Support

06/11/2018 - Liverpool City Region Care and Support

Further to Minute No. 130 of the meeting held on 8 March 2018, the Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Adult Social Care which provided an update on the outcome of the procurement activity relating to the establishment of a Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing System (PDPS) for purchasing care and support in Extra Care Housing, hosted by Liverpool for the Tripartite Authorities (Liverpool, Sefton and Knowsley). 


The report also sought authorisation for the procurement of replacement contracts for Care and Support services within two existing Extra Care Housing schemes in Sefton.


Decision Made: That:


(1)       the completion of the previously agreed procurement exercise, hosted by Liverpool City Council, establishing a Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing System (PDPS) accessible to Liverpool, Knowsley and Sefton councils for the procurement of Care and Support services in Extra Care Housing be noted;


(2)       it be noted that Sefton is not obliged to exclusively use the PDPS and can opt to use the PDPS or procure such services through alternative procurement routes, as appropriate to the specific circumstances;


(3)       the circumstances set out within the report in relation to the renewal of contracts for Care and Support services within the existing Extra Care Housing schemes in Sefton be noted; 


(4)       approval be given to the commencement of a “Light Touch Regime” OJEU Open procurement exercise that complies with the obligations of the Public Contract Regulations 2015, to award a 3 year contract, with 2 x 12 month extension options, for the provision of Care and Support at James Horrigan Court. The award criteria used for this procurement to be based on “MEAT” (Most Economically Advantageous Tender) taking into account a balance between Price and Quality that will be published in the Invitation to Tender documentation;


(5)       approval be given to the extension of the current contract for 3 months, to enable the above procurement and any subsequent transfer of provision to take place if required;


(6)       the Head of Adult Social Care, in conjunction with the Cabinet Member Adult Social Care, be authorised to award a contract following completion of the above procurement exercise; and


(7)       approval be given to the direct award of a 2-year contract for provision of Care and Support services at Parkhaven Court Extra Care Housing scheme to the existing Provider.


Reasons for Decision: 


To establish formal arrangements for the procurement of care and support services for vulnerable people in Extra Care services and to put contracts in place to ensure provision of care and support services for vulnerable people in 2 existing Extra Care Housing schemes.


Alternative Options Considered:


The following options were considered and rejected:


1.    Procuring the two contracts for Extra Care services at Parkhaven Court and James Horrigan Court through the PDPS was considered and rejected as it would prevent the existing care providers, who both provide good quality services, from inclusion in the procurement process.


2.   An open procurement process was considered for the contract for Extra Care services at Parkhaven Court but was rejected due to the interrelationship with other services provided on the same site by the existing provider and the desire to ensure stable provision on site whilst further consideration was given to the longer-term arrangements with the development of a more personalised approach for the commissioning of services.