Issue - decisions

Motion Submitted by Councillor Prendergast - DBS Checks for Elected Members

06/10/2022 - Motion Submitted by Councillor Prendergast - Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Checks for Elected Members

It was moved by Councillor Prendergast, seconded by Councillor Brough:


In addition to complying with the provisions of The Local Government (Disqualification) Act 2022, this Council recognises that due to the roles and responsibilities of being a councillor, it would be in the best interests of this Council, councillors and members of the public that all elected members are subject to a Basic DBS Check on taking office.


This would give the public confidence that the members who represent them are held to high standards (in line with many professions), in keeping with what one would expect from those who hold public office.


It is resolved that:


1.    Within 28 days of this meeting all current Sefton MBC councillors or within 28 days of becoming elected in the future, all councillors of Sefton MBC should apply for a Basic DBS Check (which they should pay for themselves) and make the results known to the Council’s Monitoring Officer.

2.    It will be recorded on the Council’s website that a basic DBS Check has been undertaken and the results are such that the councillor is not barred from being a councillor of Sefton MBC.


Councillor Shaw indicated that if the Motion was approved, he intended to move the following Procedural Motion in accordance with Paragraph 61 (d) of Chapter 4 in the Council Constitution:


“That the matter be referred to the Audit and Governance Committee for further consideration.”


Following debate on the Motion, the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer officiated a vote and the Mayor declared that the Motion was lost by 4 votes to 51.