The Cabinet considered the report of the Assistant Director of Place (Economic Growth and Housing) which outlined the draft Council Housing Programme Business Plan, which set a proposal that would see approximately 46 Council owned homes acquired over the next 5 years as part of a first phase of growth to re-establish Council Housing once again in Sefton.
Decision Made:
(1) the contents of the report be noted, and the approach that is being taken to the Council Housing Programme be endorsed;
(2) approval be given to the adoption of the Council Housing Business Plan; and
(3) it be noted that further reports will be presented to Cabinet relating to the purchase of properties on each site.
Reasons for the Decision:
The Cabinet was required to approve the Business Plan for the Council Housing Programme, Although further reports on each scheme would be brought to Cabinet separately, consideration of the report was required to ensure that the scheme proposals are developed in line with an approved plan.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Do Nothing
Sefton could choose not to become a stock holding local authority and to rely solely on Registered Providers for the provision of new affordable housing in the borough. However, as outlined in the strategic business case for the provision of new Council Housing considered by the Cabinet on 7 January 2021 (Minute No. 79 refers), and reiterated in the report, to adopt this approach would limit the availability of truly affordable social rent properties in the borough.
A Council Housing Programme would also allow the Council to make strategic decisions on the provision of housing based solely on the objective of meeting housing need in the borough. The proposal outlined in this report would establish the programme through a first phase of growth of ‘general needs’ properties, and this would give the authority flexibility on managing this stock. Once the programme is established consideration can be given to developing more specialist housing to complement the delivery on existing Registered Providers in the borough.