Issue - decisions

Appointment of Chief Executive

25/04/2023 - Appointment of Chief Executive

The Council considered the report of the Chief Personnel Officer on the recruitment process approved by the Employment Procedure Committee for the appointment of a new Chief Executive.


The Employment Procedure Committee had interviewed candidates for the post of Chief Executive on 19 April 2023 and the Council was requested to confirm the formal appointment of the recommended candidate from the Employment Procedure Committee as the Council’s new Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service, subject to the consideration of any material or well-founded objections by any Member of the Cabinet, and any necessary pre-employment checks.


A copy of a note from the Leader of the Council setting out the details of the recommendation from the Employment Procedure Committee was circulated around the Council Chamber prior to the commencement of the Council meeting.


It was moved by Councillor Ian Maher, seconded by Councillor Fairclough and




That the Council confirms the appointment of Philip Porter as the new Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service, on terms and conditions recommended by the Employment Procedure Committee. The salary range of £155,279 to £170,615 is in accordance with the Pay Policy. Confirmation will be subject to the consideration of any material or well-founded objection by any Member of the Cabinet and appropriate standard pre-employment checks.