Issue - decisions

Amendment to the existing Policy on the Introduction of Waiting Restrictions

26/11/2024 - Amendment to the existing Policy on the Introduction of Waiting Restrictions


(1)           That the revised policy to discourage and enforce verge and pavement parking at specific sites in town and village centres be approved;


(2)           That the amendment to the scheme of delegation when dealing with Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders be approved, whereby the Assistant Director – Highways and Public Protection consider any proposals for a temporary closure of up to six months and the Cabinet Member consider any proposals for a temporary closure of six months or more.


Reason(s) for the Decision(s):


The Council has the power to revoke a Traffic Regulation Order (Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984) as well as the power to make a new Traffic Regulation Order (Section 1 of that Act). Authorisation to advertise new Traffic Regulation Orders falls under the remit of Cabinet Member Housing and Highways.



Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

