Election results for Ford

Sefton Council Elections - Thursday 3rd May, 2018
Comparison with previous election

 The Labour Party Win Liz Dowd was elected with a majority of 0%. A total of 3957 votes were cast.

Table of main parties and election candidates retaining deposit
Election CandidatePartyNumber%Status% Change
Liz DowdThe Labour Party166542%Newly electedn/a
Ian MoncurThe Labour Party165942%Newly electedn/a
Other election candidates-see below63316%-12%
Table of other election candidates
Election Candidate Party Number % Outcome
Lynne Bold The Conservative Party 181 5% Not elected
Roy Greason The Green Party 163 4% Not elected
Pamela Teesdale The Conservative Party 139 4% Not elected
Ardash Makdani Liberal Democrats 77 2% Not elected
Carol Tonkiss Liberal Democrats 73 2% Not elected