Issue history
Carbon Management Plan 2011-16 and Sefton Sustainable Energy Action Plan
- 16/01/2012 - Call-in period expired: Carbon Management Plan 2011-16 and Sefton Sustainable Energy Action Plan
- 17/01/2012 - Agenda item, Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Environmental Services) Carbon Management Plan 2011-16 and Sefton Sustainable Energy Action Plan 17/01/2012
- 02/02/2012 - Action: That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Environmental Services be recommended that the Cabinet:-<br/><br/>agree as Sefton Council corporate policy that "Carbon Management be a common thread integrated through all service plans and binds together existing and future policies/strategies under a single umbrella of Carbon Management";<br/> Ruth Harrison ; status: completed late
- 02/02/2012 - Action: RESOLVED: That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Environmental Services be recommended that the Cabinet:-<br/><br/>) approves the development of a Sefton Sustainable Energy Action Plan that considers carbon reduction and economic development progress for the maximum benefit of Sefton communities and meets the criteria of the Covenant of Mayors. <br/><br/> Ruth Harrison ; status: completed late
- 02/02/2012 - Action: RESOLVED: That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Environmental Services be recommended that the Cabinet:-<br/><br/>adopts the Carbon Management Plan 2011-2016, as detailed in Annex 1 to the report Ruth Harrison ; status: completed late
- 02/02/2012 - Action: RESOLVED: That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Environmental Services be recommended that the Cabinet:-<br/><br/>agree as Sefton wide policy that "Sefton Council will meet challenges and seize opportunities to enable households, businesses and all stakeholders to reduce their reliance on costly utility supplies, transport costs, reduce carbon emissions, maximise available resources and services for Seftons Communities to bring tangible benefits to Sefton's economy"; Ruth Harrison ; status: completed late
- 02/02/2012 - Action: That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Environmental Services be recommended that the Cabinet:-<br/><br/>(1) agree as Sefton Council corporate policy that "Sefton Council will reduce the carbon dioxide emissions from its activities by 25% from the 2009/10 baseline by 2016 through delivery of the 2011-2016 Carbon Management Plan";<br/> Ruth Harrison ; status: completed late