Issue history
Implementing the Children and Young People's Commissioning Strategy
- 01/09/2020 - Published in plan, Forward Plan - 1 September 2020 - 31 December 2020
- 03/09/2020 - Agenda item, Cabinet Implementing the Children and Young People's Commissioning Strategy 03/09/2020
- 16/09/2020 - Action: Implementing the Children and Young People's Commissioning Strategy: That:(5)<br/> the block contracting arrangement as described in paragraphs 5.5 of the report, via a direct award using the previously approved North West Flexible Purchasing System, be approved and the Head of Children’s Social Care in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Safeguarding be granted delegated authority to the awarding of any further block contracting arrangements from this purchasing system or the PPA when in place. Laura Knights ; status: overdue
- 16/09/2020 - Action: Implementing the Children and Young Peoples Plan: That:(2)<br/> the Head of Children’s Social Care in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Safeguarding be granted delegated authority regarding matters in relation to the development of the Provider Partner Agreement (PPA), acknowledging that such decisions will be collective decisions by all participating authorities; Laura Knights ; status: overdue
- 16/09/2020 - Action: Implementing the Children and Young People's Commissioning Strategy:That:(3)<br/> following its establishment, the use of the Provider Partner Agreement (PPA) for the future procurement of Residential and Foster Services for children and young people, where an options appraisal, as described in the report, has determined it to be the most appropriate approach, be authorised; Laura Knights ; status: overdue
- 16/09/2020 - Action: Implementing the Children and Young Peoples Commissioning Strategy:That:(1) the involvement of Sefton in the procurement exercise and subsequent use of the Partner Provider Agreement (PPA), to be led by Liverpool City Region as part of regional joint working arrangements, encompassing a Flexible Purchasing System (FPS) being implemented for the provision of Residential and Foster Services for children and young people, be approved; Laura Knights ; status: overdue
- 16/09/2020 - Action: Implementing the Children and Young Peoples Commissioning Strategy: That:(4)<br/> delegated authority be granted to the Head of Children’s Social Care and nominated Service Managers in the awarding of any contracts called off the Provider Partner Agreement (PPA); Laura Knights ; status: overdue