Issue history
Membership of Committees 2008/09
- 15/07/2021 - Agenda item, Council Membership of Committees 2021/22 15/07/2021
- 23/07/2021 - Action: The Mayor reported that notice had been given by the Labour Group Whip, Councillor Grace of the following changes to Memberships of Committees:<br/><br/> <br/><br/>· Councillor Roche to replace Councillor Carr on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care) and Councillor Howard to replace Councillor Roche as the Substitute Member for Councillor Halsall; <br/><br/> <br/><br/>· Councillor Page to replace Councillor Carr on the Pay and Grading Committee;<br/><br/> <br/><br/>· Councillor Burns to replace Councillor Carr on the Local Joint Consultative Committee and Councillor Carlin to replace Councillor McKinley as the Substitute Member for Councillor Halsall;<br/><br/> <br/><br/>· Councillor Carlin to replace Councillor McKinley as Substitute Member on the Local Joint Consultative Committee and Councillor <br/><br/> <br/><br/>· Councillor Page to replace Councillor Carr as Substitute Member for C ; status: completed late