Issue details

2010/11 Delivery Plan of Sefton / Liverpool Local Enterprise Growth Initiative (Stepclever)

To seek approval for the 2010/11 Delivery Plan of Sefton / Liverpool Local Enterprise Growth Initiative (Stepclever)

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Deleted

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Financial: Yes;

Community Impact: Yes;

Decision due: 4 Feb 2010 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cllr. Ian Maher

Lead director: Andy Wallis

Department: Regeneration and Skills

Contact: Mark Long, Head of Inward Investment and Employment Email: Tel: 0151 934 3471.

Consultation process

Direct consultation with Cabinet Members


The Stepclever Board is an unincorporated group established by a service level agreement between Sefton and Liverpool Councils. Liverpool is the overall accountable body for LEGI grant, held in their Area Based Grant.  The Stepclever Board has members on it from the two Councils with members of the private sector, but plays an advisory role only. Cabinet is asked to endorse the Plan agreed by Stepclever Board for submission to the accountable body (Liverpool CC) and final approval.

Consultation Deadline Date: 20 January 2010

List of background documents to be considered by decision maker

  • Stepclever Delivery Plan 2010/11 (not yet available).