Children’s Services funding totalling £3,198,000 is included in the Capital Programme, of which £2,661,750 has been allocated to specific projects. The report will provide proposals for the utilisation of the £536,250 balance of funding.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: Birkdale; Blundellsands; Kew; Linacre; Park; Ravenmeols; St. Oswald;
Financial: Yes;
Community Impact: No;
Decision due: 6 Dec 2012 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cllr. Paul Tweed
Lead director: Colin Pettigrew
Department: Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services
Contact: Ivan Guy Email: Tel: 0151 934 3429.
Consultation process
Direct meetings
The relevant Schools, their governing bodies, parent groups and local residents as appropriate
Exempt Report?: No