Around 800 children will be entitled to free places from September 2013 in Sefton. This has significant implications for the Local Authority to ensure that we: Identify and support the most vulnerable 2 year olds and their families; Develop capacity to meet this new entitlement; and Improve/develop the quality of provision so that it best meets the needs of two year-olds
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Financial: Yes;
Community Impact: Yes;
Decision due: 23 May 2013 by Council
Lead member: Cllr. Ian Moncur, Cabinet Member - Adult Social Care and Health and Deputy Leader
Lead director: Peter Morgan
Department: Children's Services and Safeguarding
Contact: Ivan Guy Email: Tel: 0151 934 3429.
Consultation process
Meetings to be held with Children, families and service providers of Early Years provision. Cabinet Member - Children, Schools, Families and Leisure.
Children, families and service providers of Early Years provision. Cabinet Member – Children, Schools, Families and Leisure.
Exempt Report?: No