Issue details

Formby Parish as a Neighbourhood Plan Area

To determine an application for the designation of Formby Parish as a Neighbourhood Plan Area in accordance with the requirements of Section 61G of the Localism Act 2011. Once the area has been approved the Neighbourhood Plan will be prepared by the Parish Council. The Plan is likely to include policies covering:

·     Safety and security;

·     The local economy;

·     The Environment; and

·     Health and Well-being.

When adopted, and following a referendum of the local community, the Neighbourhood Plan will supersede any relevant policies in the Council’s Local Plan and be used to determine planning applications.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Harington; Ravenmeols;

Financial: No;

Community Impact: Yes;

Decision due: 12 Sep 2013 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cllr. Trish Hardy, Cabinet Member - Communities and Housing

Lead director: Alan Lunt

Department: Regeneration and Skills

Contact: Ingrid Berry Email: Tel: 0151 934 3556.

Consultation process

The application has been advertised on Sefton Council’s and Formby Parish Council’s websites in accordance with The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.


The application has been advertised on Sefton Council’s and Formby Parish Council’s websites in accordance with The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. Comments are required to be submitted to the Head of Planning Services by 5pm on Monday 13 May, 2013.

Exempt Report?: No


Agenda items

List of background documents to be considered by decision maker

  • Application from Formby Parish Council to have Formby Parish designated as a Neighbourhood Plan area. Plan of Formby Parish.