Each authority must prepare a Local Plan. This takes forward previous work on the Core Strategy. The Local Plan will set out a long term plan for development and land use in Sefton, looking ahead 15 years. It will address many aspects, including: how the Borough will meet its needs for new homes and jobs in places people want to live, the priorities for regeneration, the future of town and local centres, how best to protect the local environment and how to tackle the threat of climate change.
The Preferred Option document will include proposed allocations of land and policies to guide development.
It is a key opportunity for people to express their views as the draft Local Plan begins to take shape.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Financial: No;
Community Impact: Yes;
Decision due: 27 Jun 2013 by Council
Lead member: Cabinet Member - Regeneration and Tourism
Lead director: Director of Built Environment
Department: Regeneration and Skills
Contact: Steve Matthews Email: steve.matthews@sefton.gov.uk Tel: 0151 934 3559.
Consultation process
The decision to be taken is to approve a draft document for consultation. There will be extensive consultation over a 12 week period including press and radio coverage, leaflet/ newspaper wraparound to each home; social media [e.g. Twitter]; drop in events across the Borough, events geared to community and voluntary sector and targeted consultation with young people.
Stakeholder event with representativess from the Council, Ten Parishes, Local Enterprise Partnership, Housing Market Partnership, Local Nature Partnership and adjoining local authorities. Approach to consultation reported to Consultation and Engagement Panel.
Exempt Report?: No