To seek Cabinet’s approval to a variance to the contract between the Council and Eze Fitness for the delivery of fitness operations at two of the Council’s leisure centres. The proposed change will allow the Council to bring back in house both services and benefit from additional income, where at present the contract works on an income share arrangement
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: Ainsdale; Birkdale; Cambridge; Derby; Dukes; Kew; Linacre; Meols; Norwood;
Financial: Yes;
Community Impact: No;
Decision due: 12 Sep 2013 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member - Older People and Health
Lead director: Robina Critchley
Department: Adult Social Care
Contact: Steve Deakin, Head of Health and Wellbeing Email: Tel: 0151 934 2372.
Consultation process
Comment upon the report
Head of Corporate Finance and ICT and Head of Corporate Legal Services
Exempt Report?: Yes - Paragraph 3