The Mersey Forest Plan is a long term and strategic guide to the work of The Mersey Forest team and Partners. It is a locally developed Plan which is approved by government, and has been co-created with partners and through consultation (with over 1,600 responses). It will be refreshed every ten years, with any minor amendments made to the online version It is accompanied by a Delivery Plan which sets out monitoring and shorter-term activities, covers a five year period and is reviewed annually. This allows consideration to be given to the resource availability at the time
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/09/2013
Financial: No;
Community Impact: Yes;
Decision due: 5 Dec 2013 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member - Communities and Environment
Lead director: Director of Built Environment
Department: Regeneration and Skills
Contact: Andrew Hall Email: Tel: 0151 934 3604.
Consultation process
The Mersey Forest consulted on the Plan and received 1600 responses
Cabinet Member – Communities and Environment - 25 Sept 2013
Exempt Report?: No