Adoption of Animal Welfare Charter.
Further to a request from the Cabinet Member - Communities and Environment, the Animal Welfare Charter has been drafted to reflect the concerns of local people who care about animal welfare and any cruel treatment, abuse or neglect of animals. The Charter sets out the Council’s position on a range of animal welfare issues and aims to provide elected members, Council officials, the business sector and the general public with guidance on animal welfare issues
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Community Impact;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/07/2014
Financial: No;
Community Impact: Yes;
Decision due: 11 Sep 2014 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member - Communities and Environment
Lead director: Director of Built Environment
Department: Regeneration and Skills
Contact: Andrew Naisbitt Email: Tel: 0151 934 4014.
Consultation process
Email Contact with key Council
Peter Cowley - Legal
Jane Gowing - Planning
Rajan Paul - Landscape Services
David Street / Andrew Bond - Propoerty Management
Dave McAleavy - Coast & Countryside
Alan Jemmett - Merseyside Environmental Advisory Service
David Packard - Environment
Exempt Report?: No