Issue details

Sand Dunes Nursery School – outcome of the consultation on the proposal to close the school because it is not financially viable.

The Governing body of Sand Dunes Nursery School have written to the local authority stating that they are unable to set a budget and are unable to produce a plan which will bring the school back into budget. They are no longer financially viable and have, therefore, requested that the local authority commence a statutory consultation on a proposal to close the school.

Cabinet on 26 July agreed to undertake a statutory consultation and the purpose of this report is for Cabinet to consider, the outcome of the consultation on the proposed closure of Sand Dunes Nursery School, the current financial position of the school and seek approval to publish a Statutory Notice relating to the proposal

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Both Financial and Community Impact;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Linacre;

Decision due: 1 Nov 2018 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member - Children, Schools and Safeguarding

Lead director: Head of Schools and Families

Department: Children's Services and Safeguarding

Contact: Mike McSorley, Head of Education Excellence Email: Tel: 0151 934 3428.

Consultation process

meetings with staff and parents,Councillors


Parents, Staff, Headteacher


Agenda items

List of background documents to be considered by decision maker

  • Sand Dunes Nursery School – outcome of the consultation on the proposal to close the school because it is not financially viable.