Issue details

Climate Emergency- Strategy

Following the Council declaration of a climate emergency in July 2019, this report will provide members with the strategy that will facilitate the delivery of the agreed motion.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Both Financial and Community Impact;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/01/2020

Financial: Yes;

Community Impact: Yes;

Decision due: 28 May 2020 by Cabinet

Decision due: 17 Sep 2020 by Council

Lead member: Cabinet Member - Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services

Lead director:

Department: Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services

Contact: Stephan Van Arendsen, Executive Director – Corporate Services and Commercial Email: Tel: 0151 934 4081.

Consultation process

Meetings, briefings and presentations


Cabinet Members; all Overview and Scrutiny Committees

List of background documents to be considered by decision maker

  • Climate Emergency- Strategy