The governing body of St. Teresa's Catholic
Infant School wrote to the Local Authority requesting that a merger
with their neighbouring catholic primary school Our Lady of Lourdes
Catholic Primary School be considered.
At its meeting on 3rd October 2019 Cabinet approved the
commencement of the statutory consultation process relating to the
future operation of St Teresa’s Catholic Infant School via
the publication of a consultation paper agreed between the Council
and the Archdiocese of Liverpool
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Both Financial and Community Impact;
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: Birkdale;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/01/2020
Financial: Yes;
Community Impact: Yes;
Decision due: 5 Mar 2020 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member - Children, Schools and Safeguarding
Lead director: Interim Director of Children's Social Care and Education
Department: Children's Services and Safeguarding
Contact: Gill Cowley (Patricia) Email: Tel: 0151 934 3125.
Consultation process
A full statutory consultation is taking place and will close on the 6th December 2019. Details from this consultation will be available to Cabinet for its meeting on the 5 March 2020
Parents and prospective parents of children at the school; school governors; Archdiocese; all Sefton Primary schools; neighbouring local authorities; Member of Parliament