The Extra Care Allocations Policy aims to promote independence and
well-being; facilitate a balanced, vibrant, and sustainable
community for residents with care and support needs within the
setting of extra care housing which will play a key role in
preventing and avoiding admissions to residential care and
hospitals and contribute to our preventative agenda.
This policy will cover all Extra Care Housing within Sefton and
details the eligibility, process, and system for applying for Extra
Care Housing in Sefton.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Community Impact;
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/09/2023
Financial: No;
Community Impact: Yes;
Decision due: 1 Feb 2024 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member - Adult Social Care, Cabinet Member - Communities and Housing
Lead director: Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health
Department: Adult Social Care
Contact: Steve Metcalf Email:
Consultation process
The public and key stakeholder consultation process was conducted
from Friday 10th February 2023 for a period of two months to
Tuesday 11th April 2023.
The following consultation methods were used approved by the Public
Engagement and Consultation Panel in November 2022:
Dedicated Cabinet Member(s) briefing; One Council Brief; Intranet;
Yammer; Dwayne’s Blog; Internal meetings; E mails
External: Social Media – Twitter and Facebook; Sefton Council
website; Your Sefton, Your Say website; Meetings with strategic
partners; Sefton Partnership for Older Citizens meeting; Health
watch meeting; Residents’ meetings (Parkhaven and James
Horrigan Court extra care schemes); E mails; Public consultation
online survey, using the “Your Sefton, Your Say”
Platform; Attendance and presentation at various meetings;
Distribution of the policy and questionnaire
Documents for the consultation were produced in easy read,
including the survey.
Information relating to the consultation was distributed via the
following channels:
The survey consisted of five questions and comment sections for
each and a generic comments section (also including twelve optional
equality monitoring questions).
The focus of the consultation and engagement was: (1) Extra Care
Eligibility - a. Local Connection; b. Age Threshold; and c. Support
needs; (2) Allocations Process; (3) Nominations Process
Consultation was via
the following methods: Dedicated Cabinet Member(s) briefing;
One Council Brief; Intranet; Yammer;
Dwayne’s Blog; Internal meetings; E mails.
External: Social Media – Twitter and Facebook; Sefton Council
website; Your Sefton, Your Say website; Meetings with strategic
partners; Sefton Partnership for Older Citizens meeting; Health
watch meeting; Residents’ meetings (Parkhaven and James
Horrigan Court extra care schemes); E mails.