This report seeks Members approval of the
Statement of Reasons, Schedules and Plans that form the proposed
Compulsory Purchase Orders for both schemes.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Community Impact;
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: Dukes; Kew; Molyneux; Netherton and Orrell; Norwood; St. Oswald;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/12/2024
Financial: No;
Community Impact: Yes;
Decision due: 6 Mar 2025 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member - Housing and Highways
Lead director: Assistant Director - Highways and Public Protection
Department: Regeneration and Skills
Contact: Andrew Dunsmore Email: Tel: 0151 934 2766.
Consultation process
The schemes have been subject to public
consultation and engagement.
Consultation has been held with Brabner's, the
appointed Legal consultant, a barrister, the Chief Legal and
Democratic Officer.
External consultation has been held with all landowners and
interests for the land proposed for inclusion in the CPO.