Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Big Idea 5 - Transforming Sefton - Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector Review - Stage 1'
- Alf Doran - Personal - He is a Council representative on the Sefton Council for Voluntary Service which is referred to in the report
- Cllr Anthony Hill - Personal - He is a Trustee of Crosby Age Concern, a Member of the Alzheimers Disease Society and a Council Representative on Sefton Council for Voluntary Service which are affected by proposals in the report
- Cllr Gillian Cuthbertson - Personal - She is a Council representative on the Community Foundation for Merseyside which is referred to in the report
- Cllr James Mahon - Personal - He has given assistance to the L30 Centre which is referred to in the report
- Cllr Kevin Cluskey - Personal - He intends to use the facilities of the Catch 22 organisation which is referred to in the report for Councillors Surgery Sessions
- Cllr Mrs Maureen Fearn J.P. - Personal - She is a Trustee of Light for Life which is referred to in the report
- Cllr Ms Doreen Kerrigan - Personal - She is a Council representative on the Community Foundation for Merseyside and a Governor of All Saints Primary School which are affected by proposals in the report
- Cllr. Daren Veidman - Personal - His employer is referred to in the report
- Cllr. Gordon Friel - Personal - He is a Member of the Unison union which is affected by proposals in the report
- Cllr. Iain Brodie - Browne - Prejudicial - His employer may benefit from proposals set out in the report
- Cllr. Ian Maher - Personal - He is a Trustee of St Augustine Park Taskman and Northfield Group which is referred to in the report
- Cllr. John Kelly - Personal - He is a Trustee of the Pride of Sefton Narrow Boat Committee which is affected by the proposals in the report
- Cllr. Paul Cummins - Personal - He is a Trustee of the Sefton Council for Voluntary Service which is referred to in the report and his employer is also referred to in the report
- Cllr. Richard Hands - Prejudicial - His daughter works for Southport YMCA which is affected by proposals in the report
- Cllr. Robert Brennan - Personal - He is employed by Sefton Council for Voluntary Service which is affected by the proposals in the report
- Cllr. Sue McGuire - Personal - She is a Trustee of Sefton Pensioners Advocacy which is affected by proposals in the report