Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Transformation Programme 2011 - 2014'
- Cllr Brenda Porter - Personal - She is the Chair of Governors of Merefield Special School who may be affected by the options set out in the report
- Cllr Tony Robertson - Personal - He is the Chair of the Steering Group for Maghull in Bloom who may be affected by the options set out in the report
- Cllr. Iain Brodie - Browne - Personal - His employer is involved in contracts with the Council who may be affected by the options set out in the report
- Cllr. Ian Moncur - Personal - His spouse is employed by Connexions who may be affected by the options set out in the report
- Cllr. Simon Shaw - Personal - His son is employed by Sefton Library Service who may be affected by the options set out in the report
- Peter Morgan - Personal - He is Director of the Greater Merseyside Connexions Partnership who may be affected by the options set out in the report