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Declarations of interest
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Accounts Committee
Appointments Committee
Audit and Governance Committee
Audit and Governance Hearings Sub-Committee
Best Value, Consultation and Social Inclusion Ratification Committee
Cabinet Member - Best Value, Consultation and Social Inclusion (meeting)
Cabinet Member - Childrens Services (meeting)
Cabinet Member - Communities (meeting)
Cabinet Member - Corporate Resources (meeting)
Cabinet Member - Corporate Services (meeting)
Cabinet Member - Economic Development and Tourism (meeting)
Cabinet Member - Education (meeting)
Cabinet Member - Environmental (meeting)
Cabinet Member - Health and Social Care (meeting)
Cabinet Member - Housing (meeting)
Cabinet Member - Leisure (meeting)
Cabinet Member - Leisure and Tourism (meeting)
Cabinet Member - Performance (meeting)
Cabinet Member - Performance and Governance (meeting)
Cabinet Member - Regeneration.
Cabinet Member - Social Services.
Cabinet Member - Technical Services (meeting)
Cabinet Member Sponsor Meeting - Coast
Cabinet Sponsor Meeting - Masterplan
Cabinet Sub-Committee - Capital Programme
Cabinet Urgent Business Committee
Central Sefton Area Committee
Children's Services and Safeguarding Parent/Carers Sub-Committee
Community Chat - Bootle
Community Chat - Central
Community Chat - Southport
Community Governance Review Working Group
Corporate Resources Ratification Committee
Crosby Area Committee
Crosby Area Partnership
Disciplinary Panel
East Southport Area Committee
Economic Development and Tourism Ratification Committee
Education Ratification Committee
Employment Procedure Committee
Environmental Ratification Committee
Ford and Litherland Operational Group
Formby Area Committee
Formby Area Partnership
Hackney Carriage Trade Working Group
Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Joint Working Group
Health and Wellbeing Board
Housing Ratification Committee
Independent Remuneration Panel
Joint Health Scrutiny Committee (Hyper-Acute Stroke Services)
Joint Health Scrutiny Committee (LUHFT Clinical Services Reconfiguration)
Joint Health Scrutiny Committee for Cheshire and Merseyside (Orthopaedic Services)
Joint Health Scrutiny Committee for Sefton and St. Helens
Joint Meeting of Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Adult Social Care and Health) & Overview and Scrutiny Commit
Joint Scrutiny and Review (CSF and Soc & Com Services)
Joint Southport Area Committees
Leisure Ratification Committee
Licensing (Sexual Entertainment Venues) Sub-Committee
Licensing and Regulatory (Urgent Referrals) Committee
Licensing and Regulatory Committee
Licensing Committee
Licensing Sub-Committee
Linacre and Derby Area Committee
Litherland and Ford Area Committee
North Southport Area Committee
Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Adult Social Care and Health)
Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children's Services and Safeguarding)
Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children's Services)
Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care)
Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Performance and Corporate Services)
Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Environmental Services)
Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Skills)
Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services)
Pay and Grading Committee
Personnel (Appeals) Panel
Planning (Petitions) Committee
Planning (Urgent Referrals) Committee
Planning Committee
Private Hire Trade Stakeholders Working Group
Safer Sefton Together
School Organisation Committee
Schools Forum
Schools Organisation Committee
Scrutiny and Review Committee (Cabinet; Best Value etc; Corporate Resources; and Licensing)
Scrutiny and Review Committee (Cabinet; Performance; Corporate Resources; and Licensing and Regulatory)
Scrutiny and Review Committee (Children's Services)
Scrutiny and Review Committee (Children, Schools and Families)
Scrutiny and Review Committee (Education and Leisure)
Scrutiny and Review Committee (Environmental; Technical Services; Planning; and Economic Development and To
Scrutiny and Review Committee (Environmental; Technical Services; Planning; and Regeneration)
Scrutiny and Review Committee (Health and Social Care)
Scrutiny and Review Committee (Health Overview)
Scrutiny and Review Committee (Housing and Social Services)
Scrutiny and Review Committee (Performance and Corporate Services)
Scrutiny and Review Committee (Regeneration and Environmental Services)
Scrutiny and Review Committee (Social and Community Services)
Sefton Borough Partnership Operations Board
Sefton East Area Partnership
Sefton East Parishes Area Committee
Sefton Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board
Social Services Appeal Panel
Social Services Ratification Committee
South Sefton Area Committee
South Sefton Area Partnership
Southport Area Committee
Southport Area Partnership
Southport Operational Group
Southport South Area Committee
Southport Town Deal Board
St. Oswald and Netherton and Orrell Area Committee
Standards Committee
Technical Services Ratification Committee
Training Committee - TEST
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Other Interest
Pecuniary Interest
Atkinson, Cllr. Marion Atkinson
Bradshaw, Cllr. Susan Bradshaw
Brough, Cllr. Tony Brough
Browne, Cllr. Iain Brodie - Browne
Burns, Cllr. Danny Burns
Burns, Cllr. June Burns
Byrom, Cllr. Leslie Byrom C.B.E.
Carlin, Cllr. Natasha Carlin
Carragher, Cllr. Clare Carragher
Cavanagh, Cllr. Karen Cavanagh
Cluskey, Cllr. Linda Cluskey
Conalty, Cllr. Jim Conalty
Corcoran, Cllr. Jennifer Corcoran
Cummins, Cllr. Paul Cummins
D'Albuquerque, Cllr. Sinclair D'Albuquerque
Desmond, Cllr. Mike Desmond F.R.C.A.
Dodd, Cllr. John Dodd
Doolin, Cllr. Neil Doolin
Dowd, Cllr. Liz Dowd
Doyle, Cllr. Mhairi Doyle, M.B.E.
Duerden, Cllr. Helen Duerden
Evans, Cllr. Leo Evans
Fairclough, Cllr. John Fairclough
Garner, Cllr. Julia Garner
Grace, Cllr. Janet Grace
Halsall, Cllr. Sean Halsall
Hansen, Cllr. James Hansen
Hardman, Cllr. Judy Hardman
Hardy, Cllr. Trish Hardy
Harrison Kelly, Cllr. Janet Harrison Kelly
Hart, Cllr. Phil Hart
Harvey, Cllr. Peter Harvey
Hinde, Cllr. Sam Hinde
Howard, Cllr. Christine Howard
Johnson, Cllr. Joe Johnson
Keith, Cllr. Lauren Keith
Kelly, Cllr. John Kelly
Kelly, Cllr. John Joseph Kelly
Kelly, Cllr. Sonya Kelly
Killen, Cllr. Nina Killen
Lappin, Cllr. Paulette Lappin
Lloyd-Johnson, Cllr. Gareth Lloyd-Johnson
Lunn-Bates, Cllr. Laura Lunn-Bates
Maher, Cllr. Christine Maher
Maher, Cllr. Ian Maher
McGinnity, Cllr. Steve McGinnity
McKee, Cllr. Daniel McKee
McNabb, Cllr. Dominic McNabb
Moncur, Cllr. Ian Moncur
Morris, Cllr. Mike Morris M.B.E.
Murphy, Cllr. Paula Murphy
Myers, Cllr. Greg Myers
Neary, Cllr. Dave Neary, PhD
O'Brien, Cllr. Brenda O'Brien
Page, Cllr. Catie Page
Page, Cllr. Christopher Page
Parker, Cllr. Chloe Parker, NPQH
Porter, Cllr. Maria Porter
Prendergast, Cllr. Mike Prendergast
Pugh, Cllr. Dr. John Pugh
Richards, Cllr. Carol Richards
Riley, Cllr. Joe Riley
Robinson, Cllr. Dave Robinson
Roche, Cllr. Michael Roche
Roscoe, Cllr. Diane Roscoe
Sammon, Cllr. Mike Sammon
Shaw, Cllr. Simon Shaw
Spencer, Cllr. Paula Spencer
Spring, Cllr. Tom Spring
Thomas, Cllr. Carla Thomas
Thompson, Cllr. Anne Thompson
Thompson, Cllr. Lynne Thompson
Tweed, Cllr. Paul Tweed
Veidman, Cllr. Daren Veidman
Waterfield, Cllr. Carran Waterfield
Watson, Cllr. Sir Ron Watson C.B.E.
Webster, Cllr. Veronica Webster
Williams, Cllr. Joanne Williams
Wilson, Cllr. Andrew Wilson
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period