Meeting attendance

Tuesday 20th February, 2024 6.30 pm, Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Adult Social Care and Health)

Venue:   Committee Room - Bootle Town Hall, Trinity Road, Bootle, L20 7AE

Contact:    Laura Bootland
Senior Democratic Services Officer

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Cllr. Carla Thomas Chair Present
Cllr. Greg Myers Vice-Chair Present
Cllr. Iain Brodie - Browne Member Present
Cllr. Tony Brough Member Present
Cllr. Linda Cluskey Member Apologies
Cllr. Sean Halsall Member Present
Cllr. Phil Hart Member Present
Cllr. John Joseph Kelly Member Present
Cllr. Laura Lunn-Bates Member Present
Cllr. Dave Robinson Member Present
Diane Blair, Healthwatch Co-Optee Present
Brian Clark O.B.E. Healthwatch Co-Optee Apologies
Cllr. Paul Cummins Guest In attendance
Cllr. Ian Moncur Guest In attendance
Sarah Alldis Officer In attendance
Eleanor Moulton Officer In attendance
Tracy Jeffes Officer In attendance
Debbie Campbell Secretary In attendance
Laura Bootland Secretary In attendance